The project name was chose by Priscila. She said that it is pretty quilt.
Floggy is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. This license allows you to use Floggy in open source and commercial applications.
Here is the PDF link to it: Monografia_Floggy_Priscila_Thiago.pdf. It was written in Brazilian Portuguese.
No. Static fields belongs to the class and not to an object instance.
No. Check the concept of a transient field in this document.
Floggy has been sucessfuly tested with MIDP 1.0, 2.0 and 2.1. If you have tested Floggy with other profiles please send us an e-mail and let us know.
Floggy has been sucessfuly tested with CLDC 1.0 and 1.1. If you have tested Floggy with other configurations please send us an e-mail and let us know.
You can view the generated bytecode using javap or the jClasslib. Alternatively you can set the weaver to generate the source code.
The FloggyUML plugin is not directly part of Floggy. It was built to a NetBeans contest in Brazil on 2006 and since that it is out of date. We don't support it. You can get futher information and the source code here.
This is not a Floggy problem! This problem is correlated to a transformation that compilers do when reach a Java's language construction like this Class personClass= Person.class. What happens is that the compiler transform this construction into a try/catch block which catches a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError so when the compiler tries to check the class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError against the CLDC-1.0 classpath it detects that this class doesn't exist, throwing the error that you are getting. There are two ways to avoid this. The first one is instead of using the construction Class personClass= Person.class you must use Class personClass= Class.forName("Person");. The other one is switch to the CLDC-1.1 configuration.
This happens when the application is packaged without the Weaver execution. Check your packaging process. Make sure that Weaver is being called.
This happens when the application is packaged without the Weaver execution. Check your packaging process. Make sure that Weaver is being called.
This happens because your persistence class structure have changed between application invocations. You probably added/removed a field or changed its type from one invocation to another. If you are in developing mode you can delete your RMS files and restart your application to fix the issue. Usually the RMS files are stored at ${user.home}/j2mewtk. If you are on deployment mode you have to take in account these changes and build code to migrate your persistence class from the old structure to the new one. Check out some samples.
This occurs probably because you are using a JDK older than 1.5, Floggy 1.0.1 was built on JDK 1.5. After the 1.1.1 version Floggy is compatible to the JDK 1.4+ too. So you have two options to solve the problem or you update your JDK to 1.5+ or you update the Floggy to 1.1.+. If your problem wasn't solved please ask for help in our user's mailing list.
This is a configuration problem, all the Floggy's jar are available in the project's classpath this is wrong. Only the floggy-persistence-framework.jar library must be added to the project's classpath. Take a look in this image for a correct configuration.
The release 1.3.0 introduced a new feature that breaks during a regular obfuscation. If you obfuscate your project you MUST add the following line to your obfuscator configuration.
-keepnames class * implements net.sourceforge.floggy.persistence.PersistableSince there isn't reflection in JME Floggy needs to weave the proper methods to enable the object to be serialized and deserialized from a stream. This is why you need a weaver.
This could occur because the variable wtk.home was not defined neither passed as parameter to Maven 2. Use this command 'mvn wtk.home=c:\WTK2.5 package' to build successfully.
Our source code is hosted on in their Git system. You can access it here.
Simplifying: git clone
Or you can grab a compacted archive directly from github: tar.gz or zip@operation:issue;comments. For further information check this.
To create a branch you have to use the release:branch goal of Maven. You must execute it from the the base directory of the tag being branched.
Simplifying: mvn -DupdateWorkingCopyVersions=false -DupdateBranchVersions=true release:branch -DbranchName=floggy-1.2.xYou can build Floggy as any other Maven 2 based project. You need only to add two more steps (3 and 4) to the process. The whole steps are described below
You can build a Maven or Ant application and send us with all its dependencies. Please keep in mind that we don't know your application and will be hard to us find the problem if we didn't get it compiled.