Changes Report

Release History

1.4.002-09-2011Fitfh public release
1.3.101-16-2010First 1.3.x maintenance release
1.3.012-20-2009Fourth public release
1.2.001-29-2009Third public release
1.1.103-26-2008Second public release
1.0.108-21-2007First public release

Release 1.4.0 - 02-09-2011

updateUpdated the libraries of Microemu to 2.0.4. Fixes 2988927.thiagolm
addAdded a index feature. Fixes 2935390.fredjsf
addAdded different persistence strategies (Single and PerClass). Fixes 2852335.thiagolm
addAdded a polymorphic find feature. Fixes 2243110.thiagolm
addAdded the possibility of open shared record stores. Fixes 2886470.thiagolm
addAdded a RecordStoreManager to manage RecordStore operations (This is an internal improvement). Fixes 2936041.thiagolm
addAdded a configuration file to simplify some configurations. Fixes 2937635.thiagolm
addAdded the method to support batch operations. Fixes 3010799.thiagolm
addAdded the PersistableManager.getProperty method to inspect properties. Fixes 3081023.thiagolm
addAdded the PersistableManager.STORE_INDEX_AFTER_SAVE_OPERATION property to enable the index to be stored after a save operation. Fixes 3080657.thiagolm
addAdded the PersistableManager.BATCH_MODE property to enable operations of save and load execute with more performance. Fixes 2857247.thiagolm
fixFixed PersistableManager.deleteAll method to not fail when operating on a none existent RecordStore. Fixes 3017424.thiagolm

Release 1.3.1 - 01-16-2010

fixFixed the creation of a zip/jar file on the Windows platform (it only affects Windows users). Fixes 2922250.dgem

Release 1.3.0 - 12-20-2009

updateImproved the message details for a not weaved execution exception. Fixes 2836969.thiagolm
updateMerged FloggyProperties class into MetadataManagerUtil (This is an internal improvement). Fixes 2823261.thiagolm
updateUnified metadata information in the MetadataManagerUtil class (This is an internal improvement). Fixes 2820479.thiagolm
updateRefactored the hierarchy of testcases now a common parent testcase class holds an instance of PersistableManager (This is an internal improvement). Fixes 2900144.thiagolm
updateRefactored the IMPL package in floggy-persistence-weaver to a new project to avoid compilation and preverification problems. Fixes 2879197.thiagolm
addAdded the proper constructors to WeaverException to enable a better description of the underlying exception. Fixes 2896571.thiagolm
addAdded a setLazy/isLazy method to ObjectSet interface. Fixes 2857239.thiagolm
addAdded support for save a Hashtable inside a Vector and vice-versa. Fixes 2848566.thiagolm
addAdded a root cause to the FloggyException. Fixes 2817746.thiagolm
addAdded a getId(Persistable) method to PersistableManager class. Fixes 2816948.thiagolm
addAdded an optional interface, called IDable, that exports the RMS id of each Persistable class that implements it. Fixes 2722768.thiagolm
addAdded an optional interface, called Deletable, that enables the developer to clean up resources (sort of cascade delete). Fixes 2702250.thiagolm
addAdded the MigrationManager API, implementation and tests. Fixes 2422928.thiagolm
addAdded support for Eclipse Pulsar. Affects only the Eclipse's plugin. Fixes 2880916.dgem
addAdded a log wrapper class to redirect the log messages to the Maven log system. Fixes 2916668.thiagolm
fixFixed the lazy mechanism of Vector/Stack fields that holds Persistable instances. Fixes 2903826.thiagolm
fixFixed a bug when the Persistable interface is not implemented directly by the class. Fixes 2168632.thiagolm
fixFixed the infinitive loop building. Affects only the Eclipse's plugin. Fixes 2517536.thiagolm
fixFixed the NotFoundException when adding a 3th party jars contained in the project folder. Affects only the Eclipse's plugin. Fixes 2806349.thiagolm
fixFixed the instantiation process of an abstract Persistable field. Fixes 2816414.thiagolm

Release 1.2.0 - 01-29-2009

addAdded the lazy load mechanism. Fixes 2227200.thiagolm
addAdded an optional interface, called Nameable, that enables the developer set the name of the RecordStore. Fixes 2243450.thiagolm
addAdded support for java.util.Hashtable class.thiagolm
addAdded 197 new tests to test new and old features.thiagolm
fixFixed a bug when deleting composed objects that uses the inheritance. Fixes 2105288.thiagolm
updateRefactored the eclipse-floggy-plugin to be build by the Maven. Fixes 2528979.thiagolm
addSigned the Eclipse feature and plugin artifacts. Fixes 2536956.thiagolm

Release 1.1.1 - 03-26-2008

addAdded support for types of java.lang.StringBuffer, java.util.Calendar, java.util.Stack and java.util.Timezone.thiagolm
addAdded 380 new tests to test new and old features.thiagolm
addAdded a method to PersistableManager class to delete all occurencies of all types. The method's signature is public void deleteAll()thiagolm
addAdded a method to PersistableManager class to delete all occurencies of a given type. The method's signature is public void deleteAll(java.lang.Class class)thiagolm
addAdded a method to PersistableManager class to check if an entity is already persisted. The method's signature is public void isPersisted(Persistable persistable)thiagolm
updateImproved the bytecode weave process to reduce the total amount of bytecode weaved.thiagolm
updateImproved the exception handler mechanism.thiagolm
updateUpdated the Eclipse plugin to be compliant to the new version of Floggy.thiagolm
fixDowngraded the source and target level of all sub projects of Floggy to 1.4. Now Floggy can run on JDK 1.4+.thiagolm

Release 1.0.1 - 08-21-2007

updateUploaded documentation and first public release.thiagolm