"Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. In theory, it is kind of like Make, but without Make's wrinkles."
To use Floggy with Ant you need to declare a taskdef like the snippet below.
[...] <!-- IMPORTANT: You must change the value of this property pointing it to the directory where you have installed Floggy. Some examples: Linux: /opt/floggy Windows: c:\floggy --> <property name="floggy.path" value="c:\floggy"/> <path id="floggy.classpath"> <fileset dir="${floggy.path}\lib" includes="*.jar"/> </path> <taskdef name="floggy-persistence-weaver" classname="net.sourceforge.floggy.persistence.WeaverTask" classpathref="floggy.classpath"/> [...]
Also you need to create a target to execute Floggy.
[...] <target name="floggy"> <floggy-persistence-weaver bootclasspathref="..." classpathref="..." input="..." output="..." generateSource="..." configurationFile="floggy.xml"/> </target> [...]
This target must run just after the compilation has done and before the preverification.
The attributes declared in the floggy-persistence-weaver tag has the following meaning.