Packages that use FloggyException | |
net.sourceforge.floggy.persistence | Provides an API to manage the persistence mechanism of Floggy. |
net.sourceforge.floggy.persistence.migration |
Uses of FloggyException in net.sourceforge.floggy.persistence |
Methods in net.sourceforge.floggy.persistence that throw FloggyException | |
abstract int |
PersistableManager.batchSave(Persistable persistable)
Store an object in the repository, it will always create a new entry on the repository. The main use of this method is to import data from a remote source. Set the property BATCH_MODE to true to improve the performance and create only one object to save the data. |
void |
It is used to clean up references that the implementation class may have to another entities. |
abstract void |
PersistableManager.delete(Persistable persistable)
Removes an object from the repository. |
abstract void |
Removes all objects from the repository. |
abstract void |
PersistableManager.deleteAll(Class persistableClass)
Removes all objects that belongs to the class passed as parameter from the repository. |
abstract SingleObjectSet |
PersistableManager.find(Class persistableClass,
Filter filter,
Comparator comparator)
Searches objects of an especific persistable class from the repository. |
abstract SingleObjectSet |
PersistableManager.find(Class persistableClass,
Filter filter,
Comparator comparator,
boolean lazy)
Searches objects of a specific persistable class from the repository. |
abstract SingleObjectSet |
PersistableManager.find(Class persistableClass,
IndexFilter indexFilter,
boolean lazy)
Searches objects of a specific persistable class from the repository. |
Persistable |
ObjectSet.get(int index)
Load the object at the specified index. |
void |
SingleObjectSet.get(int index,
Persistable object)
Deprecated. Use the getSharedInstance instead of it. |
int |
SingleObjectSet.getId(int index)
Load the object of a given index into the object instance supplied. |
Persistable |
ObjectSet.getSharedInstance(int index)
Returns the object at the specified index. |
abstract void |
PersistableManager.load(Persistable persistable,
int id)
Load an previously stored object from the repository using the object ID. The object ID is the result of a save operation or you can obtain it executing a search. |
abstract void |
PersistableManager.load(Persistable persistable,
int id,
boolean lazy)
Load an previously stored object from the repository using the object ID. The object ID is the result of a save operation or you can obtain it executing a search. |
abstract PolymorphicObjectSet |
PersistableManager.polymorphicFind(Class persistableClass,
Filter filter,
boolean lazy)
Searches objects of an persistable class and its subclasses from the repository. |
abstract int |
PersistableManager.save(Persistable persistable)
Store an object in the repository. |
abstract void |
Shutdown the PersistableManager. |
Uses of FloggyException in net.sourceforge.floggy.persistence.migration |
Methods in net.sourceforge.floggy.persistence.migration that throw FloggyException | |
int |
Delete the current record. |
abstract void |
MigrationManager.finish(Class persistableClass)
Finish the whole migration process. |
Hashtable |
Returns the next element of this enumeration if this enumeration object has at least one more element to provide. |
abstract void |
MigrationManager.quickMigration(Class persistableClass)
Execute a quick migration in classes that didn't changed between versions. |
abstract Enumeration |
MigrationManager.start(Class persistableClass,
Hashtable properties)
Start the migration process of the given Persistable class. |
int |
Enumeration.update(Persistable persistable)
Update the current record with the Persistable parameter. |