Interface Nameable

Deprecated. use the configuration file to set the RecordStore's name

public interface Nameable

An interface that helps the developer to define the name of the RecordStore for each Persistable class. This interface is optional, the weaver will implement it if the developer don't. The value returned by the getRecordStoreName method must be the same to all instances created otherwise each instance will be saved in a different RecordStore.

public class Order implements Persistable, Nameable {
 public String getRecordStoreName() {
  return "Order";


Method Summary
 String getRecordStoreName()
          Deprecated. use the configuration file to set the RecordStore's name

Method Detail


String getRecordStoreName()
Deprecated. use the configuration file to set the RecordStore's name

It is used to retrieve the name of the RecordStore where the class will be stored.

the name of the RecordStore.

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